Book Binder

Split your documents and manuscripts into multiple signatures with various print configurations. Turn your PDFs into printable booklets or signatures in a matter of clicks!

Input file


Rotates the back side of each page by 180 degrees. Required when paper is flipped along long edge.


If your input pages are small enough compared to your desired paper size, you can save paper by printing multiple 2-page spreads per side.
Resizes input pages. If unchecked, original size will be used.

Print preview

This is a preview only and is not pixel-perfect. The printer paper boundaries are marked in black and the margins of your input pages are marked in red.



Print all pages in a single signature, to be arranged in one booklet.
For documents with sheet counts that are not a multiple of this number, signature sizes will be normalised as well as possible.


Prints margins, signature, side, and number on each page. Useful for visualising sheet order.